Expanded Pamphlets

Sara MacKillop


Roland Ross is pleased to present new works by Sara MacKillop that playfully interrogate conventional and luxury methods of book display. Foldable wallpaper pasting tables, typically used to display objects at flea markets or book fairs, have been rearranged to fully integrate the books that once sat on top of them, whilst also being reconfigured to appear balanced rather than standing.

Within the pages of these book-works, high-resolution scans of stationery sundries and other items found close to hand, sit next to photographs of mundane arrangements of objects taken in retail environments. This creates a series of disorientating abstractions that inhabit a space between two invisible surfaces.

For the purpose of this exhibition a green carpet has been introduced as a new surface in the gallery, dividing the space illogically, pointing towards the temporal nature of exhibitions whilst allowing these book-works to be displayed without the conventional use of a table. Reading the images across these display devices rather than from page to page isolates them in a place that is closer to sculpture but keeps its distance from any formal classification.

  • Sara MacKillop
    Expanded Pamphlets, 2024 (Installation view)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-book, 2024
    Wallpaper pasting table, blue backed billboard paper, binding thread, table cloth clips, archival glue
    112 × 89 × 74 open

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-book, 2024
    Wallpaper pasting table, blue backed billboard paper, binding thread, archival glue
    112 × 89 × 74 open

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-book, 2024
    Wallpaper pasting table, blue backed billboard paper, binding thread, table cloth clips, archival glue
    112 × 89 × 74 open

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-book, 2024
    Wallpaper pasting table, blue backed billboard paper, binding thread, archival glue
    112 × 89 × 74 open

  • Sara MacKillop
    ‘Expanded Pamphlets’ 2024

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-Book, 2024 (Detail)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-Book, 2024 (Detail)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Expanded Pamphlets, 2024

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-Book, 2024 (Installation View)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Expanded Pamphlets, 2024

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-book, 2024 (Detail)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-Book, 2024 (Detail)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-Book, 2024 (Installation view)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-Book, 2024 (Detail)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-Book, 2024 (Installation view)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-Book, 2024 (Detail)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Table-Book, 2024 (Installation View)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Expanded Pamphlets, 2024 (Installation view)

  • Sara MacKillop
    Expanded Pamphlets, 2024 (Installation view)